Friday, February 3, 2012

Glorious Snow Day

You guys, it is here. The snow, the wind, the cold, they all arrived. And guess what? It is LITERALLY the blizzard of the century because the last time Denver saw a storm like this in the month of February, it was 1912.

Who knew the weatherman could be so accurate?

Everything in Denver seems to be shut down. And I am still in my flannel pajamas soaking up every minute of it. Last night I went home to an empty house and realized that if it snows like they are saying it will, I could be stuck in my house for TWO WHOLE DAYS without human interaction or a television to watch.That is an extrovert's worst nightmare. So I loaded up and headed to my mom's to mooch off of her cable and enjoy her hot coffee waiting for me when I woke up. Moms are awesome like that.

Here is a view from her back porch:

That's a foot of snow with another 9-12" on the way today. It truly is glorious. I think I was made for snow days. And so were these:

They are getting me through this storm. Well, them and playing Words with Friends with my mom who is sitting right next to me on the couch. Technology has taken board games and family interaction to a whole new level...or low, whichever.

Happy Friday, peeps!


  1. I wish I was there with you two crazy ladies and those amazing looking cookies. Tell momma R. hi and I love her.


  2. Good choice! You are a wise woman.

  3. Ahh, how fun to spend a snow day (or two) with your mom. Enjoy!

  4. Oh to be hunkered down with you girls at your mom's house! I imagine it was blissful. We did a bit of hunkering down ourselves, as your blizzard of the century brought rain here. I'm pretty sure it was all last summer's worth of rain we didn't get during the summer... in this one downpour. Miss you all - hugs and kisses from us <3

    1. Kel, so glad you guys got some rain!! And next time it snows, you and your two girls should hunker down with us. I'll try to give you a 24 hour heads up. :) Miss you tons!

  5. I love snow days with you two.
    - The Seester
