Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dear Betty Crocker

Dear Betty Crocker,
You don't know me. I am just some girl who likes to bake. And you, well you were voted the second most popular woman in 1946, right behind Eleanor Roosevelt, so I am thinking we don't run in the same circles.

Anyway, I have been meaning to write this to you for some time. I want to thank you for introducing me to the art of baked goods, otherwise known as my reason for living. My first recipe of yours were your chocolate chip cookies and I still think they are the best chocolate chip cookies in the entire world. I even have the recipe memorized. True story.

The first time I made them, I was seven, and neither my life nor my thighs have been the same since. My best friend Amy and I made a double batch every time we got together. We learned how to measure things because of you. We learned how to pre-heat an oven because of you. I even attempted a one-handed egg cracking because of you. It was an epic fail, but the cookies still turned out alright...maybe a bit on the crunchy side.

You opened up my world to glossy chocolate frosting. You helped me to tackle the perfect pie crust. You introduced me to the best brownie recipe these lips have ever tasted. There really is no way to properly thank you for these go-to recipes that I use so often. If you have stock in Spanx then at least I can repay you a little.

Your cookbook has been in my parents house since before I was born. Your pages are torn and wrinkled, the favorite recipes are clearly marked, and hand-written notes are scattered about on how to compensate for the high altitude. And there is probably enough cookie dough between the pages to bake a dozen right now.

So, thank you for your inspiration. Thanks for your degree in Home Economics. Thanks for teaching me my favorite way to decompress and show others that I love them. And thanks for having enough business savvy to make your brand a household name and your cookbook a kitchen staple. You have made my life sweeter.

Yours truly,
A very fluffy FC


  1. Sarah,

    If you ever need to practice any of her recipes - feel free to do it in my kitchen :)

    Mandy <><

  2. So, how do you compensate for the high altitude? My Sarah makes the CC Cookies and they come out flat as pancakes!
