Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gnome Homes and Fairy Chimneys


So, I figured it was high-time to post some pictures of Cappadocia.

Do you remember when I went there? It was back in February of 2010.

Anyway, I am sure you have been waiting for these pictures with bated breath so I am now allowing you to breathe deep my friends, and sit back and enjoy this crazy, weird and fascinating region of Turkey.

Very pointy, wicked cool rocks.

I call this the "Gnome Castle."
That's where the king and queen live, naturally.

These homes and caves have been around for thousands of years. During times of persecution, thousands of Christians would hide in them, living in fully functional communities.  Some of the caves go 14 stories down into the earth.

Someone lives there.  Little gnomes I suppose.  Little gnomes who grow grapes. Wino gnomes.

Wouldn't you love to go inside?

Weird, beautiful, expansive...

These are Fairy Chimneys. They make me smile. I mean seriously, how can you not?
I dare you not to smile.

God did a great job with the sunlight. Big kudos.

This is a doorway into a church.

An Irish gnome.


The other day, while I was walking the heck out of the treadmill from Hades, I flipped through all three of my TV channels and caught Rick Steves touring this part of the world. It was a great little segment, chalked full of information, folk dancing and camel rides. I would recommend looking it up, you know, just in case you are BORED to DEATH and have NOTHING better to do in the ENTIRE world.

But seriously, it was pretty cool. And it reminded me to get my act together and post some pictures.  Thanks Rick, thanks.

As a side note, Rick Steves does have the coolest job in the world. I want to get paid to travel all the time. Where do I sign up for that?

 And I really like Cappadocia and all its funky glory.


  1. WOW Sarah, incredible photos!

  2. ok, you CRACK me up. i could not stop laughing at your caption "irish gnome".

    love the pics...can i be your sidekick when you take rick's job!?

  3. Love your photos, Sarah! So glad you got to see so much cool stuff! :)

  4. Wow - I always wondered where gnomes come from! KF
