Thursday, September 20, 2012

Really, Really Good Things

Today is a day for warm cookies and a long nap on the couch.

Today is a day for a good book, preferably one you have been anticipating to read for a long time.

Today is a day for... encouraging word

...a sense of calm after a storm

...the realization that you are more than a conqueror through Him.

Today is a day for your sister to come over and watch Hulu with you.

Today is a day for the promise of something new: a new job, a new house, a new haircut, a new pair of shoes, a new squishy baby.

Today is a day for... dad to come home.

Today is a day for baked potato soup, a pair of stretchy pants and The Goonies.

Today is a day for letting go of the past and running towards the future.

Today is a day for...

...picking up a new hobby

...picking up an old hobby

...picking me up a salted caramel mocha.

Today is a day for a really great first date.

Today is a day for being kind, being sincere, going the extra mile to show someone you care. Today is a day for laying down yourself so you can pick up someone else.

Today is a day for the light to shine in the empty, lonely darkness and for the burdened to be set free.

Today is a day for living, not just being.

Today is a day for us to be better friends than we were yesterday.

Today is a day to wear red pants.

Today is a day for really, really good things.

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