Monday, November 1, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness - #1

I love November.

I mean I really, really love it. I am not sure if it is the anticipation of the holidays or the fact that we have a four-day weekend full of homemade noodles and football a mere three weeks away, but either way, this month is one of my favorites.

So, for the next 30 days I am going to dedicate this blog to 30 days of thankfulness. 30 things that make my life so much more rich and fulfilling. 30 things that I would hate to live without.

So, for Day #1...

I am thankful for blogging and everything that includes.

Yep, you heard me. Blogging. I love blogging and I didn't think I would. At first, I was scared to put my thoughts, experiences out in the big, big world. What if I sound ridiculous? What if I have nothing to say? What if the only person that reads this is my mom (Hi Mama!)? What if the only thing I can talk about is how much I love Spanx, my desire to live on kettle corn and dark chocolate alone, and how I wish I could secretly date Chuck?


But technology is a funny and strange thing because any wannabe cowgirl can ramble on and on about both the profound and irrelevant. And because of that, I am thankful. But even though I love being able to share recipes, stories and introduce you to many of my 36,402 cousins, my favorite thing about blogging is you.

(Cue sappy music.)

No, I am serious. You all have seen me through a lot in these last 9 months: trips to the Middle East, the STUPID INTERNATIONAL FITNESS CHALLENGE OF DEATH, the monotony that is Kansas, my lists of completely pointless facts and mundane activities, Noah's musical tribute to cows and my ode to Oreo balls. You are the reason I blog. If it weren't for you, I would have given up on this long poor mama just wouldn't handle the pressure of being the only reader.

So thanks, peeps. You are the best. EVER.

And that's why you are #1 this month.

(End sappy music.)


  1. I love this! What a great idea!


  2. Remember when we were driving through like Arkansas or western Tennessee and we spent hours listing off things we were thankful for? Good times.
    Rach again

  3. I'm so excited about this theme! And you blogging is something I'm very thankful for! You have changed my cooking habits with your fab recipes...made me laugh...made me think...and sometimes made me cry (in a good way, promise!) :)

  4. Love November!! Love the blog - let me give you and your blog the highest compliment possible... you have your very own bookmark at the top of my screen. Yep, the very first one.

    So I am thankful for you, (and your family) too! :)
