Friday, October 18, 2013

Gourmet Girl, Women's Group and Hand Pies

The title of this post pretty much says it all.

When you combine my favorite Thursday night girls +  a Gourmet Girl who brings caramel and chocolate + buttery, flaky crust topped with cinnamon and sugar and a hot oven, a night of perfection is born.

These girls are so amazing. They have supported me for the past (almost) 11 years and now they are letting me bake with them. Geez. It's like I have hit the friendship jack pot.

Sweet Heather offered her home for us and we quickly covered it with flour and sugar, all the while sampling the pie fillings just to make sure they were edible. And yes, they were totally edible.

SIDE NOTE: Somehow I managed to bake through the entire evening without taking a picture of our amazing hostess. That's ridiculous. So let's all pretend I do have a picture of her in an apron and with a plate full of pies. Because that totally happened.

As you can see, a very delicious time was had by all.

Pie crust ready to be filled!

Jenn, Rachel and Natalie mixing it up.

Jenn and Rachel smiling for the camera. These two were the brains behind our Women's Group. They have known each other since they were young. And here they are, baking pies together. I love it.

Caramel, cinnamon and sugar. Yes, yes and yes. 

Hand pies ready for the oven.

Abby, working her pie dough magic.
Your favorite Gourmet Girl trying to look like I know what I am doing.

Hand pie perfection, all boxed up and ready to take home to share (or not share, whichever).

Thanks again, girls, for such a fun evening! You're the best. You know you have had a successful baking class when you find a caramel stuck to your shoe.

(And for those who want to "like" me on Facebook or schedule your own cooking class,  just visit my website or my Facebook page. I will totally show up and bake with you.)

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